DogFest again. . .already?!

Aja, Star, and Amber. . .in the Mutt Magic Booth!!
Aja, Star, and Amber. . .in the Mutt Magic Booth!!

Somehow, I always manage to end up working very hard at the last minute to prepare for these events. It’s not that I procrastinate (well, maybe a little), it’s that I have SO much daily stuff to keep up with, that I don’t have the time until I MAKE the time. Maybe I’ll make the time earlier next year. Probably not! This year, like last, my main headache was printer troubles while trying to print brochures. At 2am the day of, I still had brochures that needed printing, but also had enough to make do. . .so off to bed I went!

The event itself was great. Once I sipped down some coffee, I was able to smile, greet, and answer questions all day. After the preparations the night before, I was a bit tired and stressed, but I was in a surprisingly good mood! Thankfully, Amber and Tony were around so I could take a break to go and teach a class mid-day. That was nice, too!

We were able to catch up with some clients and see how their dogs have progressed, and meet a LOT of new people as well. The shade was surprisingly pleasant, and the dogs were LOVING the doggie water park! Star especially- if you had the pleasure to watch her completely obsess over a hose, that was a site to see!

Anyway, we hope to stay in contact with the new faces we met at DogFest, and help both owners and their dogs meet their fullest potential! Hopefully everybody is having a great summer- stay cool out there!

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