Tag Archives: Aja Harris Brown

My Dog Doesn’t “Come” When Called!

Dog Training Frustrations: Overcoming the Lack of Response to Commands

Dog training is an art form; a delicate balance between patience, consistency, and understanding. Yet, even the most dedicated pet owners often find themselves facing frustrations when their companion fails to respond to commands. Whether it’s teaching basic obedience or correcting behavioral issues, a lack of response from a dog can be challenging!

The number one reason a dog fails to respond to commands lies in owner enforcement. Often, handlers will attempt to work with a puppy or dog off leash, before a command is solid and reliable. When this happens, it gives the dog opportunity to not respond, which then teaches that they don’t have to respond! Having both the ability to enforce (use a leash!) and to reward (use a motivator that your dog values!) are key. Inconsistencies in these can lead to confusion and non-compliance.

Additionally, distractions play a significant role in a dog’s response to commands. Dogs are naturally curious creatures, easily enticed by smells, sounds, and other animals in their environment. When training in distracting settings, dogs may prioritize exploring their surroundings over obeying commands. This can be particularly frustrating, and is also a significant reason behind not removing the leash or the rewards too soon!!

Another common hurdle is the failure to establish a strong bond and trust between the owner and the dog. Effective communication and cooperation hinge on a foundation of mutual respect and understanding. If a dog perceives its owner as inconsistent, untrustworthy, or intimidating, it may resist following commands out of confusion, fear, or defiance. Work on building trust through consistency and patience, and encourage cooperation rather than coercion.

Furthermore, individual differences in temperament, breed predispositions, and past experiences can influence a dog’s responsiveness to training. While some dogs may be eager to please and quick to learn, others may be more independent, requiring tailored approaches and additional time and effort. Breed-specific traits, such as herding instincts or prey drive, can also pose challenges in certain training contexts, necessitating specialized techniques to address specific behavioral patterns.

So, what should you do? It is crucial to adopt a patient and adaptable mindset. Consistency is key, so be sure you’re able to enforce and reinforce commands, as needed. Use a leash and rewards until your dog is 100% reliable under distraction. DO NOT give commands unless these conditions are met. Breaking down commands into manageable steps, gradually increasing difficulty, and progressively building distractions can help set dogs up for success and build confidence over time. Moreover, incorporating activities that strengthen the bond between owner and dog, such as interactive play, grooming sessions, and reward-based training exercises, can enhance trust and cooperation.

Doing all of these things to the best of your ability and still having trouble? Join us for an upcoming group class, or reach out for information on private lessons. We’ll help you get that reliability cleaned up!

Housebreaking a newly adopted dog

Newly Adopted Pup

Housebreaking a newly adopted dog can be a challenging and crucial aspect of welcoming a furry friend into your home. The process involves teaching the dog appropriate bathroom habits, ensuring a clean and comfortable living environment, and building a strong bond between the pet and the owner. However, difficulties in housebreaking can arise due to various reasons, each requiring a thoughtful and patient approach.

One common challenge in housebreaking is the adjustment period that newly adopted dogs undergo. Dogs may come from different backgrounds, shelters, or previous homes, and adapting to a new environment can be overwhelming for them. During this adjustment phase, they may exhibit stress or anxiety, leading to inconsistent bathroom habits. Understanding and addressing the dog’s emotional state is essential in overcoming this difficulty.

Another factor contributing to housebreaking challenges is a lack of prior training or inconsistent training methods in the dog’s previous environment. Dogs may not have been exposed to proper bathroom etiquette or may have learned habits that are incompatible with the owner’s expectations. In such cases, retraining becomes necessary, requiring patience and positive reinforcement to instill new habits.

Medical issues can also play a role in difficulties with housebreaking. Newly adopted dogs may have health concerns that affect their ability to control their bladder or bowel movements. It is crucial to rule out any underlying medical issues by consulting with a veterinarian. Addressing these health concerns can significantly improve the success of housebreaking efforts.

Establishing a consistent routine is key to overcoming housebreaking challenges. Dogs thrive on routine and predictability, and having a set schedule for feeding, outdoor breaks, and playtime can help them understand when and where they are expected to relieve themselves. Additionally, try to keep potty breaks and exercise breaks separate: potty breaks should be quick (5-10 minutes, tops) while exercise breaks should be longer. If possible, use different exits of the home for each. For example, use the back door for a potty breaks, and the front door for walks. Additionally, reinforcing desired behaviors is essential when working on housebreaking. Rewarding the dog for appropriate bathroom behavior with treats, praise, or playtime creates a positive association. Consistency with this provides a sense of security for the dog and aids in reinforcing desired behaviors.

Proper supervision is essential during the housebreaking process. Keeping a close eye on the dog allows the owner to anticipate and prevent accidents. Use of a crate as well as a leash (yes, a leash INDOORS!) will help with this during the transition period. When the dog exhibits signs such as sniffing or circling, indicating a need to eliminate, prompt action can guide the dog to the designated outdoor area. Supervision minimizes the opportunity for mistakes and accelerates the learning process.

In some cases, seeking professional help may be necessary. Your dog trainer can provide valuable insights and guidance tailored to the specific challenges faced by the newly adopted dog. Professional assistance can be particularly beneficial when dealing with deep-rooted behavioral issues or if the owner is unsure about the most effective training methods.

Difficulty in housebreaking a newly adopted dog is a common but manageable challenge. Understanding the dog’s background, addressing potential medical issues, establishing a consistent routine, reinforcing desired behaviors, and seeking professional guidance when needed can contribute to a successful housebreaking experience. Patience, empathy, and a commitment to building a strong bond with the dog are key elements in overcoming the obstacles associated with housebreaking.

Halloween Tip: Keeping dogs away from the front door

So. . .we’ve already given the important reminder to keep holiday treats away from your four-legged crew. What else should you do to keep your critters safe during this upcoming holiday? Keeping your pets away from the front door is another big one!

With mass amounts of tiny humans (. . .and some big ones!) that will be knocking on your door next week, a lot of dogs can get stressed out. Not surprisingly, this can be a big holiday in which dog owners may find their pup on a bite hold. We’ve actually helped our share of private clients gain control as a result of incidents that have occurred on Halloween.

So, what should you do? You can safely keep your pups crated, gated, or otherwise in another room, so as to keep them calm and not reactive every time the doorbell rings. This helps for dogs that are reactive, and also helps those pups that are inclined to dart out of the front door when it’s opened. (Yes- we can help control that, too!) An alternative may be to sit out front and greet all the cute little ghouls and gobblins as they approach, and eliminate that door reactivity all together!

Last, if you’re ready for your pup to share in some Halloween fun, join us at Jen-Nic Pet Foods (515 Baltimore Pike, Bel Air, MD 21014) on Oct 28! The Humane Society will be there with adoptable pets, AND there will be a costume contest!

Have you had a behavioral problem that you don’t quite know how to resolve? We’re here and LOVE to help! Ask away, and your question may be featured in an upcoming newsletter!

Have an article suggestion or success story you want to share? Email us! aja@muttmagic.com

Also, don’t forget to visit us online at www.muttmagic.com

Dog training: keep it simple.

Some training friends were around from out of town recently. This is always a good experience because as trainers, it expands our knowledge base, and keeps ideas fresh. Among many things I was able to take away from this, one I’ll share with you all: train for “as much as needed, as little as possible.”

What does this mean? When you’re teaching behaviors to your dog, you want to bring the amount of handling that your dog will need to learn, without overwhelming them. (Or yourself.) You always want to adjust your technique to accommodate your dog’s specific needs, there is no cookie cutter method to training! Some dogs need more hands-on work, some dogs need more hands-off work. Additionally, some dogs learn best with more repetition, some dogs learn best with less. As a novice, you’ll need to do a bit of trial/error to know what works best for your particular dog, which is where a skilled trainer comes in handy. Knowing how to read a dog and what it needs, we can make the best suggestions to have success with “as much as needed, as little as possible.”

Whew! That should make training easier. Right?!

Have you had a behavioral problem that you don’t quite know how to resolve? We’re here and LOVE to help! Ask away, and your question may be featured in an upcoming newsletter!

Nature VS Nurture: Puppy Socialization

When it comes to the question of “Nature VS Nurture” there’s no easy answer. The best answer is usually: BOTH. Dogs are born with an innate temperament, which is generally influenced by their breeding. We also influence how they respond to the world around them.

Quickly, let’s talk about temperament and learned behavior. Temperament is something your dog is born with. This cannot be changed, and is “the card they’re dealt.” Some dogs are naturally more outgoing, some dogs are naturally more fearful. This is normal, and important for you to be aware of, as knowing your pup and his tendencies will enable you to choose the best training and socialization path. Next, learned behavior is how we influence our dogs. This can be HUGE! Your puppy (and dog!) is constantly learning, and everything is training, whether you intend it to be, or not.

So, how can we best set our puppies up for success? Early socialization is key. Once your vet has cleared your pup to explore the world – go for it!! Get your pup to the park, take her to play dates, sign up for a training class. Learning from other dogs is super beneficial at this time. Go anywhere and everywhere with her! Thankfully, before your pup is ready for the world, there are some things you can do at home, too! Expose her to new textures – hard wood flooring, tile, carpet. Expose her to new scents – food, grass, flowers. Expose her to different chew items – tendons, pig ears, bones. This last one will be big as your pup starts teething, too! A great rule is 100 experiences in 100 days. Get creative, and have fun with it.

There’s no such thing as over socialization. Especially if you have a pup that’s less confident, you may be fighting against nature to help him out in this area. If you have a breed that has tendencies to guard, you’re going to have to work extra hard early to be sure those behaviors are kept in check. So. . .know the nature, provide the nurture, and enjoy your pup!

Have you had a behavioral problem that you don’t quite know how to resolve? We’re here and LOVE to help! Ask away, and your question may be featured in an upcoming newsletter!
Visit us online: www.muttmagic.com


Ever have a dog with a behavioral problem, and you don’t know what to do about it? Check out this success story. . .there is hope!

Hi Aja,

Success!  Primrose is going down the stairs every time!  I have all three dogs in my room at night and in the morning I get up, ignore them and just go downstairs.  At first, Primrose was the last one to come down, but now she just goes down whenever she can.  I fed her the first two days on the stairs and by the end of the second day, she went down the stairs with the older dog with no hesitation!  Primrose used to go upstairs alone during the day and whine to come down.  Now she isn’t even going up there during the day unless I go.  She must have been going up alone to get away from stress before.  I’ve really made everyone aware that she has anxiety issues and to work with her.

Your advice and knowledge was very helpful.  I’m still playing the games with all of the dogs and I have the Thunder Shirt too.  The “touch” training has helped to keep the dogs from being so demanding.

Thank you again for your help!


Catherine, Primrose, Sansa and Tuki

Need help with your dogs? Contact us! http://muttmagic.com


New Dog Introductions

Selecting an appropriate new dog to bring home, as well as selecting new playmates for dogs in your household always requires introducing the dogs. There are a few points to remember to ensure that all new greetings are as successful as they can be. A few general rules to keep in mind are: 1. Male-Female pairs tend to do better long term; 2. Adult dogs that get along initially will typically continue to do so; and 3. Walking the dogs together before greeting can greatly improve chances for appropriate greetings, especially with dogs that are selective.

Male-Female pairs are best because there will be less competition between the dogs. In a pack, there is always an alpha male and an alpha female. (Of course, in your pack at home, you should be the dominant leader, although that’s another topic all together!) Keeping opposite sex pairings can reduce dominance scuffles, which can be intense. In multi-dog households or playgroups, it’s best to determine who the top dogs are, and keep a watchful eye to be sure that other dogs do not challenge this role.

Contrary to the popular myth, adult dogs are better new additions! Getting a puppy to have it “grow up” with the other dog or with the family greatly increases the risk that the puppy will challenge an adult dog as he/she matures. If you select a new addition to your household as an adult and your current dog is receptive from the initial greeting, chances are that the roles will not be challenged in the future because both dogs are mentally mature. Mental maturity in most dogs happens between the ages of 2-4 years, which often depends on the breed and the individual dog.

Now . . .you think you have found the perfect match. It’s time to introduce the dogs! Start on neutral territory, and do not allow the dogs to greet right away. Take the dogs on a long walk side-by-side to start. The longer the walk the better, as greetings will be less intense if the dogs have burned some energy. As you’re walking, take turns having one dog walk in front and the other behind. This will give both you and the dogs the opportunity to watch behaviors. Plus, it will give the dogs an opportunity to pick up on the other dogs scent.

Once the walk is over, as the handler, you must make the decision if it’s the right time to let the dogs greet. Happy, but relaxed, posture is key. Do not allow the dogs to greet head-on; this can present a challenge to some dogs. Head-to-tail, or a sideways greeting is better, as this allows the dogs to learn each others scent. With loose leashes, allow the dogs to approach naturally; you should notice one or both dogs veering slightly to one side, with bodies curved. If the dogs are pulling toward each other with tight leashes, more walking may be needed.

Some dogs are able to meet with new dogs quickly and easily, while other dogs may need more time to get used to a new household or playgroup addition. This depends greatly on the individual dog, with breed and gender playing a role in this as well. Always know your dog and his/her reactions, anticipate responses, and watch behaviors for the best new intros.

Have safe introductions, and enjoy your new addition!

Want to learn more? Visit us online: www.muttmagic.com

Supporting justice in dog ownership! By: Aja Brown

Some of you may know, I am a (now) former member of Baltimore City’s “Animal Matters Hearing Panel.” (AHP) For over five years, I helped to decide the safety of dogs in their communities after dog bite incidents. The AHP hears cases of these incidents, prepared by animal control, and has the ability to determine if a dog is not at fault for the incident, is dangerous but can go home with corrective actions to ensure the community’s safety, or if the dog is vicious and must be humanely euthanized.

I would like to tell you why I submitted my resignation to this panel, which provides a useful service that not all cities/counties have available to it’s citizens.

In the past, all decisions that the AHP made were able to be appealed. The process WAS similar to that of a court case: the first appeal went to the health commissioner, and any second appeals would go to the District Court of Baltimore City. Thanks to City Council Bill 14-0442 that was passed, the ability for judicial review has since been removed.

Why is this important? Well, in Maryland, dogs are your property. The AHP has the ability to make decisions with regard to your property and it’s disposition. (Read: your dog can be taken, and euthanized.) While vicious dog hearings must be, not all decisions made by panel members must be made in a group. Certain decisions, such as your ability to own an animal in Baltimore (if in question) can be made by a single panel member. Panel members are appointed by the health commissioner, and not all members have the same amount of animal expertise. The AHP experience level that existed yesterday, may not exist tomorrow. While I believe that the decisions made during my time on the panel were fair and just, that doesn’t mean that I am never wrong.

As it stands now, if the panel is wrong and an individual wants to appeal the decision, it goes to the health commissioner. The very person that appointed the panel in the first place. A person that, with all of her experience, is not someone adept at interpreting animal behavior, or the law. From there? The end. Judicial review is gone. Justice is inhibited. The way the law is now written, nothing more can be done. As fair and correct as I may think my decision making is, taking away another person’s rights and removing due process is not something I will support. This is the reason I have resigned from the City’s AHP.


Questions? Comments? Please share your thoughts. . .

What is a Service Dog?

I’ve seen and heard a lot of confusion regarding service dogs lately. I know of many clients with service dogs that have been discriminated against. I also know of many clients that confuse a service dog with a therapy dog. So, what exactly is a service dog?

As of 2011, only dogs are recognized by ADA (The Americans with Disabilities Act) titles II and III. (Although there are provisions for other animals.) Before then, any animal qualified! Now, any dog that performs a service to an individual with a disability qualifies. Keep in mind, not all disabilities are visible. These dogs are allowed to go anywhere the public is allowed to go.

Often, service dogs are professionally trained to do specific tasks. While training is a must, *professional* training is not a requirement as long as the dog’s handler is capable of successfully training the tasks in need. Often, service dogs are visibly identified as such. This is also not a requirement, and there is no one certifying body responsible for these certifications. Having ID for a service dog does make life easier for many individuals, however.

When it’s not obvious what tasks a service dog provides, and/or the dog does not have a visible ID, staff of establishments may inquire about the dog, not the person or the disability. Appropriate questions would be- 1. Is the dog required because of a disability? and 2. What work has the dog been trained to perform? While service dogs are allowed anywhere the public is allowed to be, they may be excluded if- 1. the dog is not under control, or 2. dog is not housebroken.

It is important to know that service dogs are not pets. They are working dogs, and should not socialize with the public when they are working. NEVER PET A SERVICE DOG. The key difference between a service dog and a therapy dog is that a service dog provides service to an individual with a disability. A therapy dog provides therapeutic support to other individuals. While therapy dogs are also awesome, and often allowed places pets may not be allowed, there are no requirements that therapy dogs must be allowed in public places.

Questions regarding service or therapy animals? Need help training a service or therapy animal? Direct inquiries to Aja! (aja@muttmagic.com)

Also, please visit us online at www.muttmagic.com

Keep your pooch cool with a healthy weight

I’m not a scientist, but I do believe that keeping a dog light on weight can help them keep their bodies cool as the weather warms up. Think about those extra “winter pounds” we may be trying to shave now, too. A body simply doesn’t need to be heavy during the summer months. We don’t need the extra energy from stored fat, nor do we need the insulation benefit. You may notice yourself and your dogs alike eating less this time of year. . . for good reason!

I work dogs in sport outdoors year-round, and definitely see a workability benefit in keeping a lean dog during the summer months. They’re able to run longer, and jump higher. They also cool faster on a hot day. This is important in our area, where a dog may succumb to heat exhaustion or heat stroke easily. In addition to working dogs, I also walk client dogs during the day, and notice a clear difference in the endurance of leaner dogs in the heat. Of course, there may be some individual differences in dogs and other environmental factors, but I do believe that weight plays its role.

What is the best way to drop pounds on your dog, if it’s needed? Just like any animal (us included!) both diet and exercise are key. You don’t want to just drop weight, you want the weight that remains to be healthy, and in shape! If you don’t already have a walking routine, begin one! If you have one, consider taking your dog to the park to run, or throwing a ball in the yard to get your dog moving more. Additionally, keep your dog on a healthy and grain-free diet (ideally raw) to be sure he receives proper nutrition. From there, you may cut back food as needed until your dog achieves a desirable weight!

Questions on how to start a new diet and exercise program for your dog? Contact us for details!

Enroll in group or private lessons at www.muttmagic.com